Community Service - Chairperson, Bonnie Reyes
We will continue to collect scraps and make pet beds for local animal shelters
One of our projects this year will be *Operation Christmas Child.
Items are to be placed in a plastic shoebox (not Dollar Tree as they break in shipping ). Some things that could be included are as follows:
Hairbrush, hair bow
Doll that will fit in box
Bandana, comb, sunglasses
Hacky sack, checkers, dominoes, small game
Soap and washcloth in baggie
Small stuffed animal
Play car, truck, yo-yo
Crayons, colored pencils with sharpener
Small sewing kit
Calculator w extra batteries (or solar powered)
Operation Christmas Child is a service of Samaritan's Purse, an organization led by Franklin Graham (son of Evangelist Billy Graham), that takes donated Christmas boxes of gifts to those in need around the world, who would otherwise receive nothing for Christmas. Complete information is available on their website: Operation Christmas Child | Shoebox Outreach of Samaritan’s Purse (
​Samaritan's Purse asks for a donation of $10 PER BOX for shipping.